Lilly drugstores have been operating on the local market for more than 20 years and have become a synonym for purchasing high-quality cosmetics, body care products, child care products and food, baby programs, supplements, perfumes and cleaning supplies. The challenge before us was to set up a performance strategy for social media campaigns for the Lilly online shop and increase the number of transactions.
Lilly is recognizable enough, and customers have had a habit of shopping at one of the drugstores for years. As much as it had a positive effect on the one hand, on the other hand, it was necessary to additionally engage the audience to make purchases online.
With special offers only for online shopping and the feeling of a special favorable opportunity, we managed to present the Lilly online shop differently.
Using Meta Advantage+ catalog sales, we have created a shopping experience unlike any other in the world of cosmetics, household chemicals and baby programs.
We have dived into the world of consumers, following their wishes and needs. Our strategy was not only based on precise targeting but also on the art of finding the right language to communicate with our target audience.
Finding the right products to display based on Google Analytics research and all other sales channels was a key part of our strategy.
That is why it was necessary to analyze several thousand products and dozens of brands, to find a solution for strategy optimization. We concluded that certain categories must have a special focus and be marketed to users as such.
In addition, we have included specific conversion campaigns that support all important discounts on the site, such as birthdays or Black Friday.
Thanks to the personalized approach and strong synergy of all campaigns, along with creating the special templates for dynamic campaigns following the overall visual for that particular discount promotion, we contributed to the tone of communication and the appearance of all visuals being coherent and carrying a clear, customized message, which together with the selected target groups and product performance analysis led to a significant increase in turnover and ROAS.